Window equivalent layer blind slat optical and thermal properties. The model assumes that slats are thin and flat, applies correction empirical correlation to account for curvature effect. Slats are assumed to transmit and reflect diffusely.

Type: alphanumeric

Slat Orientation
Type: choice (Horizontal or Vertical)
Default: Horizontal

Slat Width
Type: real number
Unit: m
Maximum: 0.025

Slat Separation
Type: real number
Distance between adjacent slat faces
Unit: m
Maximum: 0.025

Slat Crown
Type: real number
Perpendicular length between the cord and the curve. Slat is assumed to be rectangular in cross section and flat. Crown=0.0625x"Slat width"
Unit: m
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 0.00156
Default: 0.0015

Slat Angle
Type: real number
Slat angle is +ve if the tip of the slat front face is tilted upward, else the slat angle is -ve if the tip of the slat front face is tilted downward. The slat angle varies between -90 to +90. The default value is 45 degrees.
Unit: deg
Minimum: -90
Maximum: 90
Default: 45

Front Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Solar Transmittance
Type: real number
The front side beam-diffuse solar transmittance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the entire spectrum of solar radiation.
Minimum: 0
Default: 0

Back Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Solar Transmittance
Type: real number
The back side beam-diffuse solar transmittance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the entire spectrum of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0
Default: 0

Front Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Solar Reflectance
Type: real number
The front side beam-diffuse solar reflectance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the entire spectrum of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Back Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Solar Reflectance
Type: real number
The back side beam-diffuse solar reflectance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the entire spectrum of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Front Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Visible Transmittance
Type: real number
The front side beam-diffuse visible transmittance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the visible spectrum range of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0
Default: 0

Back Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Visible Transmittance
Type: real number
The back side beam-diffuse visible transmittance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the visible spectrum range of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0
Default: 0

Front Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Visible Reflectance
Type: real number
The front side beam-diffuse visible reflectance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the visible spectrum range of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Back Side Slat Beam-Diffuse Visible Reflectance
Type: real number
The back side beam-diffuse visible reflectance of the slat at normal incidence averaged over the visible spectrum range of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Slat Diffuse-Diffuse Solar Transmittance
Type: real number
The beam-diffuse solar transmittance of the slat averaged over the entire solar spectrum of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0
Default: 0

Front Side Slat Diffuse-Diffuse Solar Reflectance
Type: real number
The front side beam-diffuse solar reflectance of the slat averaged over the entire solar spectrum of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Back Side Slat Diffuse-Diffuse Solar Reflectance
Type: real number
The back side beam-diffuse solar reflectance of the slat averaged over the entire solar spectrum of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Slat Diffuse-Diffuse Visible Transmittance
Type: real number
The beam-diffuse visible transmittance of the slat averaged over the visible spectrum range of solar radiation.
Minimum: 0

Front Side Slat Diffuse-Diffuse Visible Reflectance
Type: real number
The front side beam-diffuse visible reflectance of the slat averaged over the visible spectrum range of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Back Side Slat Diffuse-Diffuse Visible Reflectance
Type: real number
The back side beam-diffuse visible reflectance of the slat averaged over the visible spectrum range of solar radiation.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0

Slat Infrared Transmittance
Type: real number
Long-wave hemispherical transmittance of the slat material. Assumed to be the same for both sides of the slat.
Minimum: 0
Default: 0

Front Side Slat Infrared Emissivity
Type: real number
Front side long-wave hemispherical emissivity of the slat material.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0
Default: 0.9

Back Side Slat Infrared Emissivity
Type: real number
Back side long-wave hemispherical emissivity of the slat material.
Unit: dimensionless
Minimum: 0
Default: 0.9

Slat Angle Control
Type: choice (FixedSlatAngle, MaximizeSolar or BlockBeamSolar)
Used only if slat angle control is desired to either maximize solar gain (MaximizeSolar), maximize visibility while eliminating beam solar radiation (BlockBeamSolar), or fixed slate angle (FixedSlatAngle). If FixedSlatAngle is selected, the slat angle entered above is used.
Default: FixedSlatAngle