This setpoint manager sets both the supply air temperature and the supply air flow rate.
Control Variable
Type: choice
( or Temperature)
HVAC Air Loop Name
Type: list of objects
( or
Enter the name of an AirLoopHVAC object.
Minimum Setpoint Temperature
Type: real number
Unit: C
Default: 12.
Maximum Setpoint Temperature
Type: real number
Unit: C
Default: 18.
Type: choice
(TemperatureFirst or FlowFirst)
For TemperatureFirst the manager tries to find the highest setpoint temperature that will satisfy all the zone cooling loads at minimum supply air flow rate. If this setpoint temperature is less than the minimum, the setpoint temperature is set to the minimum, and the supply air flow rate is increased to meet the loads. For FlowFirst the manager tries to find the lowest supply air flow rate that will satisfy all the zone cooling loads at the maximum setpoint temperature. If this flow is greater than the maximum, the flow is set to the maximum and the setpoint temperature is reduced to satisfy the cooling loads.
Default: TemperatureFirst
Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
Type: node
Node(s) at which the temperature will be set
Minimum Turndown Ratio
Type: real number
Fraction of the maximum supply air flow rate. Used to define the minimum supply flow for the TemperatureFirst strategy.
Unit: dimensionless
Default: 0.2