This constant COP chiller model provides a means of quickly specifying a Chiller where performance data is not available.


Nominal Capacity
Type: real number
Unit: W
Minimum: 0.0

Nominal COP
Type: real number
Unit: W/W

Design Chilled Water Flow Rate
For variable volume this is the maximum flow and for constant flow this is the flow.
Unit: m3/s
Minimum: 0.0

Design Condenser Water Flow Rate
Type: real number
This field is not used for Condenser Type = AirCooled or EvaporativelyCooled
Unit: m3/s
Minimum: 0.0

Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
Type: node

Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
Type: node

Condenser Inlet Node Name
Type: node

Condenser Outlet Node Name
Type: node

Condenser Type
Type: choice (AirCooled, WaterCooled or EvaporativelyCooled)
Default: AirCooled

Chiller Flow Mode
Type: choice (ConstantFlow, LeavingSetpointModulated or NotModulated)
Select operating mode for fluid flow through the chiller. "NotModulated" is for either variable or constant pumping with flow controlled by the external plant system. "ConstantFlow" is for constant pumping with flow controlled by chiller to operate at full design flow rate. "LeavingSetpointModulated" is for variable pumping with flow controlled by chiller to vary flow to target a leaving temperature setpoint.
Default: NotModulated

Sizing Factor
Type: real number
Multiplies the autosized capacity and flow rates
Default: 1.0

Basin Heater Capacity
Type: real number
This field is only used for Condenser Type = EvaporativelyCooled and for periods when the basin heater is available (field Basin Heater Operating Schedule Name). For this situation, the heater maintains the basin water temperature at the basin heater setpoint temperature when the outdoor air temperature falls below the setpoint temperature. The basin heater only operates when the chiller is not operating.
Unit: W/K
Minimum: 0.0
Default: 0.0

Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature
Type: real number
This field is only used for Condenser Type = EvaporativelyCooled. Enter the outdoor dry-bulb temperature when the basin heater turns on.
Unit: C
Minimum: 2.0
Default: 2.0

Basin Heater Operating Schedule Name
This field is only used for Condenser Type = EvaporativelyCooled. Schedule values greater than 0 allow the basin heater to operate whenever the outdoor air dry-bulb temperature is below the basin heater setpoint temperature. If a schedule name is not entered, the basin heater is allowed to operate throughout the entire simulation.